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*How to make fresh mango juice*

Types of mango are there in Indonesia various kinds, among which is the famous manalagi and gadung. Mango fruit can be eaten when it is cooked, it can be made of sweets, and can also made juice, the tastes is fresh and delicious and the mango juice can refresh our bodies, because mango juice also contains vitamins and antioxidant. Now I’ll explain how to make fresh juice mango.

The materials needed for making mango juice are, a piece of mango, a glass of water, a glass of ice pack, a two spoons of sugar, and two spoons of milk. First, peel the mango and clean it, next cut the mango into pieces and put them into the juicer, then put the water, ice, sugar, and milk, after that turn on the juicer and wait until 10 minutes, finally pour the mango juice into the glass and the fresh juice mango ready to drink.

Besides the tastes is very fresh, mango juice is also rich in benefits. The benefits of mango juice are, could absorb carbohydrates, essential fatty acid, minerals  and proteins, and mango fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals as well as fiber is good for the body.

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